Title: Associate Prof. Dr.Department: Nursing DepartmentPosition: Academic StaffTelephone: +90216 5780000-3255Office: 419-Ae-Mail: isil.isik@yeditepe.edu.trTime: Full TimeAkademikResumeResearch Interest Successful Aging Pscho-Oncology Community Mental Health Biography BA: Akdeniz University, Nursing 2000 MS: Akdeniz University, Psychiatric Nursing, 2006 Phd. Marmara University, Psychiatric Nursing, 2012 Courses GivenPlanning Dissertation StudyPublic Health NursingHealth Psychology and Interpersonal RelationshipsImplementing Dissertation StudyPsychiatric-Mental Health Nursing PublicationsPapers Işık I., Ergün G.(2019) Hope and Belonging in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Study, Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, DOI:10.1111/ppc.12418 Ergün G., Işık I., Dikeç G. (2019) The Examination of the Some Aspects of the Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatric Inpatients Clinics in Turkey, Clinical Experimental Health Science 2019; 9: 14-20. Işık I., Ergün G. (2018) Determining the Relation Between the Internet Addiction in Turkish Secondary School Students and the Perceived Family Support, Addicta. 5(3): 527-542. Işık, I., Nurdan, S., Zeren, C., & Yılmaz, Z. Determining the ideas and suggestions of communication faculty students about stigmatization of individuals with mental illness. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, (2019) 10(1), 1-11. Işık I. Evaluatıon of the Effectıveness of Telephone Counselıng Interventıon on Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patıents. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, Article in Press. Ergun, G., Isik I., Dikeç G. "Roles of Psychiatry Nurses Within a Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatry Clinics in Turkey." Archives of Psychiatric Nursing (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apnu.2016.11.003 Işık, I., Kulakaç Ö. "Verbal sexual harrassment: A hidden problem for Turkish adolescent girls." Asian Journal of Women's Studies 21.4 (2015): 431-449. Güner Küçükkaya P, Işık I. Predictors of Psychiatric Symptoms Scores in a Sample of Turkish High School Students. Nursing and Health Sciences. 2010 Dec;12(4):429-36. Güner Küçükkaya, P, Işık I. Bir grup lise öğrencisinde psikiyatrik semptom dağılımı ve etkileyen faktörler. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 10(Ek 2):pp:78-79, (2009) Güner-Küçükkaya P, Işık I. Turkish Nurses’ Experiences with Cancer Patients in a Public Hospital: A Phenomenological Study. Psycho-Oncology, 20(2) 194-195, 2011.