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Table 8.3. Yeditepe University Nursing Department Strategic Plan


G1.1 To provide a contemporary nursing education service to meet the needs of the new century in the global world of science, art and technology.  

S1.1.1 Carrying out the necessary work to ensure that students graduate on time and in accordance with the program objectives and outcomes.


PI1.1.1.1 Ratio of students above the course average
PI1.1.1.2 Workload and ECTS compatibility of Compulsory Courses outside the classroom and practice
PI1.1.1.3 Clinical guide nurse opinions (students' achievement of program outcomes)
PI1.1.1.4 Clinical guide nurse opinions (final year students' achievement of program outcomes)
PI1.1.1.5 Clinical guide nurse opinions (senior students' achievement of their educational goals)
PI1.1.1.6 Difficulty rate of questions
PI1.1.1.7 Ratio of students above the course average
PI1.1.1.8 Course success rate
PI1.1.1.9 Ratio of the relationship between departmental program outcomes and course outcomes
PI1.1.1.10 Success rate of applied courses
PI1.1.1.11 Students' feedback on program outcomes
PI1.1.1.12 Feedback from graduates on program outcomes
PI1.1.1.13 Number of students who completed their undergraduate education and graduated on time
PI1.1.1.14 Level of satisfaction with students' opinions being taken into account in the execution of the education program
PI1.1.1.15 Evaluation of the status of graduating students in achieving the program goals
PI1.1.1.16 Evaluation of the students' ability to achieve program outcomes by individuals receiving health care services
S1.1.2 Ensuring the improvement of application areas and laboratory infrastructure. PI1.1.2.1 Practice report card skill practice data
PI1.1.2.2 Course information package and course syllabus compliance rate
PI1.1.2.3 Feedback from faculty members regarding the university infrastructure
PI1.1.2.4 Students' feedback on university infrastructure
S1.1.3 Strengthening the corporate quality culture. PI1.1.3.1 Creating and signing the job description of faculty members
PI1.1.3.2 Filling rate of academic staff orientation form
PI1.1.3.3 Number of advisory board meetings
PI1.1.3.4 Opinions of faculty members about institutional culture
PI1.1.3.5 Opinions of faculty members regarding communication within the department and within the institution
PI1.1.3.6 Opinions of faculty members regarding participation in administrative processes and decisions
PI1.1.3.7 Faculty satisfaction rate
PI1.1.3.8. Filling rate of academic performance evaluation form
PI1.1.3.9. Number of students in commissions
PI1.1.3.10. Number of meetings/trainings attended by faculty members regarding education accreditation
S1.1.4 Creating a safe learning environment where learning systems and active learning methods are applied, adapting to continuous development, innovations and crisis situations. PI1.1.4.1 Number of courses applying active learning method
PI1.1.4.2 Number of experts invited to the course
PI1.1.4.3 Rate of receiving trainer training
PI1.1.4.4 Opinions of faculty members regarding teaching processes (face-to-face and distance)
PI1.1.4.5 Number of work accidents reported to the workplace physician
PI1.1.4.6 Obtaining the opinions of faculty members regarding goal setting
PI1.1.4.7 Organizational commitment levels of faculty members
PI1.1.4.8. Number of courses using technology-based teaching method
PI1.1.4.9. Number of case discussion activities held within the scope of the nursing department
S1.1.5 Increasing the diversity of the international exchange program. PI1.1.5.1 Number of ERASMUS collaborations
PI1.1.5.2 Number of students benefiting from the exchange program
G1.2 To raise individuals with strong characters who have national and international health and basic cultural knowledge.  

S1.2.1 Supporting cultural and artistic activities.


PI1.2.1.1 Number of social responsibility projects participated by students
PI1.2.1.2 Number of cultural events attended by students
PI1.2.1.3 Student Club membership status
G1.3 To enable students to be well-versed in contemporary technology, equipped with investigative, analytical, innovative and creative abilities, to develop themselves in multiple aspects, to be mentally and physically healthy and to strengthen their self-esteem. S1.3.1 Supporting students in domestic/international congresses, symposiums and workshops. PI1.3.1.1 Number of congresses, symposiums/workshops attended by students
S1.3.2 Supporting participation in sports activities. PI1.3.2.1 Number of students participating in university sports activities


S1.3.3 Strengthening the leadership and career planning system. PI1.3.3.1 Peer Counseling system evaluation survey
PI1.3.3.2 Rate of meetings held by faculty members with their consulting students
PI1.3.3.3 Number of students attending the orientation program
PI1.3.3.4 Satisfaction status of students participating in the orientation program
PI1.3.3.5 Number of students sent to the psychological counseling and guidance department among students receiving counseling
PI1.3.3.6 Students' opinions about their academic advisors
G2.1. To support research activities, creative thinking and scientific activities of its students. S2.1.1 Increasing the number of national and international projects and publications.


PI2.1.1.1 Support rate for faculty members' participation in national-international meetings
PI2.1.1.2 Economic support status of faculty members participating in scientific meetings
PI2.1.1.3 Opinions of faculty members about research processes
PI2.1.2.1 Number of students mentioned as authors in the article
S2.1.2 Increasing national and international symposium/congress/workshop activities.


PI2.1.2.1 Number of publications per faculty member
PI2.1.2.2 Number of citations per faculty member
PI2.1.2.3 Editing/chapter writing in national/international books
S2.1.3. Increasing the support of faculty members for national/international research. PI2.1.3.1 Number of national/international meetings held in the department


G2.2. To produce joint projects on education and research with other higher education institutions, private and public institutions. S2.2.1. Increasing the number of projects and patents in cooperation with other organizations. PI2.2.1.1 Number of research projects participated by students
S2.2.2. Increasing communication with alumni. PI2.2.2.1 Participation rate in domestic and international scientific events in the first 2 years following graduation
PI2.2.2.2 Rate of membership in domestic and international professional organizations in the first 2 years following graduation
PI2.2.2.3 Rate of nurses continuing the certificate program within the first 5 years following graduation
PI2.2.2.4 Rate of graduates who have completed/continuing postgraduate education
PI2.2.2.5 Number of graduates receiving feedback
PI2.2.3.1 Rate of graduates employed in academic positions within the first 2 years following graduation
PI2.2.3.3 Rate of graduates employed in middle and senior management positions within the first 5 years following graduation
PI2.2.3.4 Rate of scientific work in the first 2 years following graduation
PI2.2.3.5 Employment rate in primary healthcare within the first 2 years following graduation
PI2.2.3.6 Employment rate in Secondary Health Care within the first 2 years following graduation
PI2.2.3.7 Employment rate in tertiary healthcare services in the first 2 years following graduation
PI2.2.3.8 Rate of employment abroad in the first 5 years following graduation
PI2.2.3.9 Rate of employment in public or private health institutions in the first 2 years following graduation
G2.3. To organize national and international scientific and cultural events and to contribute to the development of society's knowledge, skills and health. S2.3.1. Increasing the projects and activities carried out with public institutions/organizations and non-governmental organizations.


PI2.3.1.1 Number of collaborations with the industry
PI2.3.1.2 Number of projects applied with the sector
PI2.3.1.3 Number of events held with the industry
PI2.3.1.4 Number of collaborations with non-governmental organizations
G3.1. To contribute to the provision of nursing education services at national and international levels and to the development of science and health. S3.1.1. Ensuring increased international communication power, postgraduate education and job opportunities. PI3.1.1.1 Rate of graduates employed domestically/internationally within the first year following their graduation
PI3.1.1.3 Employer satisfaction rate
PI3.1.1.4 Rate of preference of graduates by employers
S3.1.2. Providing employment in the field of health tourism. PI3.2.1.1 Rate of graduates employed in institutions providing patient care abroad in the first 2 years following graduation
S3.1.3. Providing the opportunity for active participation in international scientific activities. PI3.3.1.1 Number of students participating in congresses with papers
S3.1.4 Ensuring that students and graduates gain an innovative and entrepreneurial approach. PI3.4.1.1 Rate of graduates who innovate in their field within the first 5 years following graduation