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Course Objectives:
In order to provide nursing care in the intensive care unit, to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the planning, implementation and evaluation of appropriate nursing care within the framework of evidence-based approaches by learning the disease processes for systems, holistic care of the intensive care patient, the authority and responsibilities of the intensive care nurse, legal and ethical approaches, patient and employee safety, communication with the patient and his / her family, technological facilities used.
Course Content:
The course includes the physical characteristics of intensive care, duties, authorities and responsibilities of the intensive care nurse, ethical principles in intensive care, patient safety elements, healthcare-associated infections in intensive care, pain, sedation, delirium in the intensive care patient, comprehensive patient monitoring in intensive care, monitoring and physical diagnosis, mechanical ventilation, nursing interventions in sepsis, SIRS and MODS, nutrition in the intensive care patient, care practices of the transplantation patient and current and evidence-based knowledge and practices for the care interventions of special patient groups.
Course Methodology:
1. Anlatım Yöntemi 2. Soru cevap 3. Tartışma 4. Laboratuar çalışması 5. Saha çalışması 6. Röportaj 7. Proje çalışması 8. İnceleme/anket 9. Rol oynama 10. Demonstrasyon 11. Beyin fırtınası 12. Ev ödevi 1
Course Evaluation Methods:
1. Ara sınav 2. Final 3. Laboratuvar çalışması değerlendirme 4. Proje değerlendirme 5. Saha çalışması değerlendirme 6. Klinik uygulama değerlendirme 7. Ödev/rapor değerlendirme 8. Seminer değerlendirme 9. Öğre
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