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Course Objectives:
Body movement planes, joint movements, structures of bones, ligaments, superficial and deep muscles, other soft tissue structures (tendon, meniscus, disc, bursa), muscle contraction types and kinetic principles, muscles, joints and ligaments of the upper and lower extremities and spinal structures. Can define their structures. Can describe gait phases.
Course Content:
Structures of bones, attachment points of muscles and ligaments, innervations of muscles; joint types, structures, and movements; structures of the spine and joint areas of the upper and lower extremities; and the functions of the joints. Joint expression of movements performed in daily life with walking phases.
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture, 2: Discussion Question-answer, 7: Brain storming, 9: Demonstration
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Theoretical exam, C: Homework, E: Quiz
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