Course Language:
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Course Objectives:
To have detailed knowledge about systems and the organs and structures of these systems and to be able to define these structures in practice.
Course Content:
This course explains the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, gastrointestinal system, urogenital system, endocrine system organs and the anatomical features and functions of these structures. Systemic anatomy is explained under eight headings. The cardiovascular system, respiratory system, lymphatic system, nervous system, gastrointestinal system, urogenital system, endocrine system and the organs in these systems, their anatomical structures, localizations, and relationships with each other are explained in practical and theoretical detail.
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture, 9: Demonstration, 14: Laboratory work (hands-on applications)
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Theoretical exam, B: Practical exam (laboratory)
Vertical Tabs